David Lammy

From Tottenham. Loves Expenses.

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Tedious White Racist Voters!

Tedious White Racist Voters!

This clip from my show on LBC illustrates exactly what black politicians have to put up with every day in racist Brexit Britain. If we had stayed in the EU, there would have been no need for politicians to interact with the white racist electorate. Instead, in order...
Decolonise The History Curriculum Now!

Decolonise The History Curriculum Now!

This racist attack on me by old white establishment figure Andrew Neil demonstrates exactly why the history curriculum must be decolonised urgently. Neil outrageously gaslights me because all of the historical facts I quoted in this interview to support my argument...
Backing Bercow The Bully

Backing Bercow The Bully

I am committed to fighting bullying wherever it occurs. And I have great judgement, so I always get it right. That’s why I back Bercow. OK, so the official investigation found him to be a serial bully, and  banned him for life from the Parliamentary estate. That...
Holy Smoke! Racism Everywhere!

Holy Smoke! Racism Everywhere!

I was sitting in Parliament one day. I’d already done my expenses, and thanks to my remarkable intellectual prowess I was able to follow the debate closely at the same time as browsing the BBC website on my mobile. My constituents have come to expect this level...