David Lammy

From Tottenham. Loves Expenses.

I was sitting in Parliament one day. I’d already done my expenses, and thanks to my remarkable intellectual prowess I was able to follow the debate closely at the same time as browsing the BBC website on my mobile. My constituents have come to expect this level of multi-tasking capability and attention to detail from me. I came across an outrageously racist BBC story – they were shamelessly discussing black and white smoke during the selection of the new Pope. Needless to say, the institutionally racist BBC was openly looking forward to white smoke.

I called them out in a tweet.

As you would expect, the racists were furious. They resorted to furious gaslighting of me. But I held my own, as usual, in the face of this racist establishment onslaught. Patiently, I explained that my tweet had been triggered by my weariness of the endless discussion of race. That honest and highly plausible explanation soon settled this storm-in-a-teacup.